Create your own technique collections. Use your phone camera to take technique pictures from your BJJ books, videos or live classes. Generate combinations from any position.
APP STOREEdit the pre-loaded techniques using your own pictures, step instructions and positions. Extend pre-loaded content or delete it and start from scratch using your own techniques and positions.
Use any number of sources to create your techniques and images, from books, videos and live classes.
Save any number of YouTube video links for every technique. Organize video links by techniques.
By using the database backup feature, you can export your techniques and share them with other people, or import databases into your app (using the iTunes file sharing feature).
With this app you can create your own technique collections and split them among different databases using the db backup feature.
Search techniques using the position or technique category filters. Create your own categories and positions.
Find submissions and escapes from any position and chain different techniques forming your own combinations.
The app generates a large number of combinations from the available techniques and positions. Technique combinations help you improve your game by knowing the different techniques available from any position.
Find combinations from any positions. Help sharpen your game by browsing different technique variations.
Save auto-generated combinations or create your own combinations.
You can animate all your technique steps from the detail view. Zoom in on every image to view the position detail. Add any instruction text to the technique steps.
DetailsThe thumbnails view gives you a quick glance at all of the techniques and steps in a combination.
ThumbnailsThe details view shows the large step images.
The thumbnails view gives you a quick overview of the techniques in a combination.
Improve your jiu-jitsu game by visually practicing all possible attacks, escapes and transitions from any position. Create your own custom content using multiple sources and bring it all together in one app.
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